I use 8 grams of coffee for every 6oz’s of water and a water temp of 190F to 200F, just don’t use boiling water, with a infusion time of no more than 4 minutes , if you want a “stronger” cup increase the amount of coffee not the infusion time or the water temp.
First heat your measured water and bring it to a boil, when the water is ready grind your coffee you’ll want to grind it coarse, coarser than what you would use for drip (I use an 8 on my macap m4) it needs to be “hear comes that word” coarse, enough not to clog the filter or squeeze through it. Now that you’ve ground your coffee at the proper coarseness and your water is at the right temp add the coffee to the press pot first, then add the water. Now you need to stir the coffee to saturate all the grounds(use only wood or bamboo to stir), now put the plunger assembly on top be sure not to push down on the plunger yet, set the timer. When the timer goes off, slowly and evenly push down on the plunger bar, if you go to fast hot coffee will spew out and you’ll burn yourself….. dummy, now you can enjoy your French press coffee, that is if you didn’t burn your self.
I use 8 grams of coffee per 6oz’s of water. And an infusion time of 60 seconds to 90 seconds at a temp of 190F.
First put the measured water in the bottom chamber, then put the spurs to it, bring the water to about 190F take the top chamber and secure the filter in it. Now grind the coffee (I use a setting of 5 on my macap m4 which is a little finer than a drip grind ) remember grind your coffee just before you use it, because it will go stale fast. Now secure the top chamber to the bottom and wait until the water travels to the top chamber, take the water’s temp, your looking for 190F if it’s to hot just stir, try to integrate air with each stir until you get down to 190F (DO NOT USE metal, only wood or bamboo less chance of breakage) if the water is not 190F yet, just wait, it will be there soon. At the point the water is 190F, do not remove the flame, it is what’s keeping the water up there, just lower it a bit. At this point you can add the coffee to the water, give it a good stir to saturate all the grounds. Now set your timer, when the timer goes off remove the flame and watch as the coffee is sucked back into the bottom chamber, wait until all of the coffee is in the bottom then you’ll see a large amount of bubbles in the bottom chamber(the bubbles are created by the vacuum in the bottom which is no longer sucking water but instead is sucking air) that’s your cue to remove the top chamber, your done now pour and enjoy.
I use 8grams for every 6oz of water, with a water temp of 68F(ok the temp doesn’t matter as long as it is not hot) and I infuse for 18 to 24hours.
First insert the stopper in the bottom of the coffee bowl and place the cloth filter on the inside of the coffee bowl, I would boil the cloth filter before you use it the first time, next you can place the paper filter on the inside of the coffee bowl (however, the paper filter is not necessary, they do help, though I stopped using them because I ran out). Now grind your coffee, I use a 5 on my grinder which is what I use for a siphon. Now add the ground coffee to the coffee bowl, next place the grounds guard and place on the inside of the paper filter so that it keeps the filter from falling in on itself. Now you can place the water bowl on top and add the measured water to the water bowl. At this point place the whole system in the fridge, I stir it every now and then. Wait 18-24h, when the time is up remove from the fridge and remove the stopper, now place the coffee bowl on top of the decanter and wait it will filter slowly. It might take up to an hour, if it stops there might be pressure keeping the coffee from filtering, so I place a little piece of folded paper on the rim of the decanter to break the pressure that has built up. After it has finished you can enjoy your cold brew coffee.
I use 20 grams of coffee for every 6oz of water, for both methods, and a water temp of 190F to 205F.
Method one: first put the plunger half in the top and barely push it in only enough to get to the number 4 on the infusion tube. Now heat your water, when your water is at the right temp grind your coffee, I grind to about a 4 on my grinder, which would be slightly more coarse than an espresso and slightly finer than a drip grind. Now add the ground coffee to the tube then add the water to the coffee, give it a stir to saturate the grounds. Allow the coffee to infuse for between 2min to 3min, I would not go any longer than that, as it will over extract. At this point you can add the filter and the cap (I pre wet my paper filter, it helps it stick, and not fall off when you put the cap on). After your infusion time flip the whole device over on to a cup( only use a cup that is hardy enough, remember your going to be putting a lot of weight on it with the plunging) and began to slowly and evenly press down on the plunger, don’t go to fast because it could eject hot coffee on you. Now you can enjoy a hot cup of Aero Press coffee.
A note on iced coffee, I add whole ice cubes in the cup that I am brewing into and it makes a good iced coffee.
Method two is the same as method one the only thing different is I grind the coffee to an espresso grind which is a 3 on my grinder. After I add the water to the coffee I stir for 15 seconds straight after that I allow it to infuse for 15seconds, and then flip and plunge. Now you can enjoy your coffee.
How-To Brew Coffee by Noah Brewer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.